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Project Aware Environmental Courses

These are some of the reasons why PADI started Project AWARE in 1989. Project AWARE, which stands for Aquatic World Awareness Responsibility and Education, is designed to engage snorkelers and scuba divers in activities such as beach cleanups, establishing marine parks and protected areas, and pushing for legislative action to protect endangered marine habitats and species.


We have three Project Aware courses available:


  • Project AWARE Specialist

  • Project AWARE Coral Reef Conservation

  • Project AWARE Fish Identification


The three courses go hand in hand, and if you want to create a true environmental Specialty package, Underwater Naturalist and Peak Performance Buoyancy fit the group as well.

Project Aware Logo
Coral Reef
Sea Turtle looking up

As divers we spend a great deal of time in the water. We are often the first to see the short term and long term changes in the aquatic environment. This makes us uniquely qualified to call attention to the threats that the underwater world faces. Of course, we also have a important responsibility to protect the aquatic environment whenever we interact with it.

PADI Project AWARE Specialist

As divers, we have the responsibility to protect the aquatic environment.

Project Aware - Our World, Our Water manual

Download Project Aware Specialist course manual - Our World, Our Water. It is free. The PDF file containing the manual is a fairly large file (about 10MB) and is behind the link. The manual is available in English, French and Japanese.

Project AWARE’s philosophy is to mobilize a global force of scuba divers and water enthusiasts who care about protecting the world’s water resources and choose to make a difference.

By earning the Project AWARE Specialist certification, you’ll be aware of the most pressing problems facing vulnerable aquatic environments and know what everyday actions you can take to help protect them. Anyone who has an interest in the aquatic world should take this course.


The PADI Project AWARE specialty is part of the Project AWARE courses and can be combined with


  • Project AWARE Fish Identification

  • Project AWARE Coral Reef Conservation

  • Underwater Naturalist



Course Contents


Although scuba diving and snorkeling offer the best avenues to appreciate the aquatic world, you do not have to dive to participate in the Project AWARE Specialty course – it’s open to everyone.


Through independent study and classroom discussions, you'll learn:


  • How Project AWARE unites scuba divers and water enthusiasts to make a difference.

  • About environmental issues in the ocean commons and coastal zones.

  • About fisheries challenges and sustainability problems.

  • What’s happening to coral reefs and reef inhabitants.

  • Your role in protecting aquatic environments.


You’ll use the digital manual, AWARE - Our World, Our Water, which you can download free from Project Aware website, and can start reading now in preparation for meeting with your instructor.




  • None

Coral Reef Conservation

Everyone likes to scuba dive or snorkel in warm, clear water on a vibrant coral reef, yet many people know little about what they’re seeing or the importance of reef ecosystems. The AWARE - Coral Reef Conservation Specialty course helps you appreciate the complexity of these habitats and teaches you how you can help conserve these vital systems.

Anyone who has an interest in the aquatic world can take this course. There are no prerequisites or age restrictions and no water sessions are required to earn this non-diving certification.


  • Project AWARE Specialist

  • Project AWARE Coral Reef Conservation

  • Underwater Naturalist


Course Contents


Through classroom discussions, you learn:


  • How coral reefs function and the complex nature of life on a reef.

  • Why coral reefs are so important.

  • Why many coral reefs are in serious trouble.

  • What you can do to prevent further decline.

  • How Project AWARE unites divers and water enthusiasts to make a difference.


The AWARE – Coral Reef Conservation course references information in the digital manual – AWARE - Our World, Our Water – downloadable for free.  Although this manual is not required for the course, you can read the chapter on coral reefs in preparation for meeting with your instructor.




  • None

How to sign up


Courses are arranged by request.


Please contact us through the contact page or by email or phone. Our office will direct you to one of our instructors, so you can talk directly, ask questions and arrange a course schedule.

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Pro-Diver Development Ltd.

20/F, Shing Lee Commercial Building,
No. 6-12 Wing Kut Street,
Sheung Wan, HONG KONG


Tel: (852) 3110 4141


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