Primary Care (CPR) Course
This course teaches you the steps and techniques for handling life-threatening emergencies. You’ll practice skills for aiding patients who aren’t breathing, have no heartbeat, may have a spinal injury, may be in shock or who may have serious bleeding.
You’ll learn to how to perform CPR and continue to monitor the patient, so that you provide every possible chance of survival while waiting for emergency medical services to arrive. More...
Secondary Care (First Aid) Course
Because many medical conditions are not life-threatening and emergency medical services are sometimes delayed or unavailable, this course teaches you how to provide first aid that eases pain and reduces the risk of further harm. You’ll learn to assess a variety of injuries and illnesses and practice bandaging and splinting. More...
Includes two courses:

You'll learn to follow the same steps for emergency care as medical emergency professionals and practise applying skills in a nonstressful learning environment. You'll learn the skills through a combination of knowledge development, skills development and realistic scenario practice. The courses are supported with high quality videos and manuals, but the focus in all EFR courses is very much on hands-on practice.
EFR courses follow the latest guidelines set forth by International Liaison Committee on Resuscitation (ILCOR).
Emergency First Response courses are flexible in design to accommodate scheduling and training needs. There are five courses available. They can be taken alone or in any combination. Our Standard EFR course includes Primary Care (CPR) and Secondary Care (First Aid) courses.
Pro-Diver Development provides CPR (Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation) and First Aid training using Emergency First Response (EFR) programs. EFR training focuses on building confidence in lay rescuers and increasing their willingness to respond when faced with a medical emergency.
Emergency First Response Courses
Our Standard EFR Course combines Adult CPR (Primary Care) and First Aid (Secondary Care) into one hands-on course.
You don't have to be a diver to take an EFR course. The EFR courses are not diving related (apart from the fact that CPR and First Aid training is required from divers at certain levels). EFR courses are available to anyone with willingness to help when needed.
Care for Children Course focuses on helping children and infants with medical emergencies.
Care for Children course allows participants to learn, practise and apply emergency care skills specific to helping infants and children with medical emergencies. It’s designed for those who work with children or are likely to have to respond to emergencies involving youngsters. This course is often integrated with Primary Care (CPR) and Secondary Care (First Aid) courses. More...
A short version of the Primary Care course that focuses on CPR training and how to use an AED (Automated External Defibrillator). When workplace or governmental requirements specify this training, the CPR & AED course meets the need. The CPR & AED course can be integrated with Primary Care (CPR) and Secondary Care (First Aid) courses. More...
AED use can be integrated into the Standard EFR Course, but is also available as a shorter CPR&AED Course.
It’s a good idea to refresh your CPR and first aid skills every 24 months, and that’s what the EFR Refresher course is designed to do. Focusing on key skills, the course allows you to stay up-to-date and ready to lend aid when needed. More...
Which course is right for You?
Shortly, you can't really go wrong with the Standard EFR Course: it is a comprehensive CPR and First Aid program. Hence the 'Standard' in the name...
AED use is recommended if you are working in high-rise office buildings, hotels, resorts or other places, where there are lots of people and an AED is likely to be nearby.
If you have young children or are working with children, the Care for Children course is a logical choice, but here is a re-cap:
Standard EFR
All purpose course, you are or have family members active in sports, hiking, etc., divers going for Rescue Diver or Divemaster levels
CPR & AED Course
When governmental or workplace regulations specify CPR training, you are working in an urban setting, offices, hotels, etc.
Standard EFR with AED
You fit in both categories above
Care for Children
If you have young children or are working with children
Combined EFR and Care for Children
Care for Children would be logical, but you find that you also fit in one or more categories above

Emergency First Response - Course content comparison. Click the chart to enlarge.
CPR & First Aid Training for Institutions, Community Groups, Corporations
The EFR courses can be tailored to the specific needs and requirements to cover or expand areas that you feel are important to your organization. While Care for Children course prepares for emergencies involving small children, schools with both big and small students might want to integrate training in adult CPR into the course as well. AED training may be important in big offices with people of all ages and if your organization or group spends a lot of time outdoors, you may want to expand the Secondary Care course.
While we usually run EFR courses at our facilities, we can certainly arrange courses at your premises, too. In many cases this is preferable as it allows more realistic scenario practice. Arranging a course in your location also makes scheduling and attending easier for participants. Please let us know what your specific needs are, and we can work out a course curriculum for your needs.