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HOME > Scuba Diving Courses


There is always something new to learn, something new to discover and try, or something you can challenge yourself with in diving. Pro-Diver Development offers scuba diving courses for all levels. Courses are available in English, Cantonese and Mandarin.

PADI Open Water course
PADI Open Water Diver

This is where it all starts. You learn to scuba dive with the PADI Open Water Diver course, the single most popular scuba course in the world. Open Water Diver is the first level of PADI scuba diving certifications, your license to exciting adventures in the underwater world. More...

PADI Referral course
PADI Referral Course

Not enough time to do the whole course before your holiday? How about doing the theory and pool practice in Hong Kong and finish your Open Water course with open water certification dives on your holiday to get more dive time at your destination? More...

PADI Scuba Diver Course
PADI Scuba Diver

PADI Scuba Diver is a pre-entry level certification - a limited license - that allows you to dive under supervision of a PADI professional. It is a good way to get into scuba diving quickly. PADI Scuba Diver course may be completed in as little as two days. More...

PSAI Open Water Sport Diver
PSAI Open Water Sport Diver

While PSAI is best known as the forerunner for technical diver training, recreational scuba training is in the program, too. Open Water Sport Diver is PSAI's entry level scuba certification. More...


Navigation in PADI Advanced Course. Advanced scuba certification expands your scuba diving knowledge.
PADI Advanced Open Water Diver

Whether you’re newly certified or have hundreds of dives logged, the PADI Advanced Open Water program gives you the confidence, skills and experience to take your diving to new levels of excitement and fun. The Advanced course includes five dives, each in a different specialty area, and may be completed in as little as one weekend. More...

PADI Rescue Diver Course
PADI Rescue Diver

Many divers consider the Rescue Diver course the most rewarding scuba course they have taken. You'll learn to prevent accidents, recognize and respond to problems before and when they occur. It is the course after which you really feel like a Diver. It really is serious fun... More...

Become a PAI Enriched Air Diver - Extend your diving time
PADI Enriched Air (Nitrox)

The PADI Enriched Air Diver course is PADI’s most popular specialty course, and it’s easy to see why. Scuba diving with enriched air (a.k.a. nitrox) gives you more no-decompression dive time. This means more time underwater, especially on repetitive scuba dives. More...

Underwater photographer at night
More Specialties...

If you already know what type of specialty diving interests you, there is a Specialty Diver course for it. And if you don't, take a look at the variety of activities. Specialty diver courses teach you the right way to have special scuba diving adventures, so you don’t have to learn by trial and error. More...

PSAI Recreational (Sport) Diving Courses
PSAI Sport Diver Programs

Full range of recreational scuba diving courses by Professional Scuba Association International. Open Water Sports Diver, extensive selection of specialties, RAPID Rescue Diver, all the way to instructor levels. More...

Sidemount diving in two-tank configuration.
Sidemount Diving

More and more scuba divers are finding out the flexibility and options sidemount diving offers. Strapping the tank on your back is not the only way to explore the underwater world: mounting the tanks on your sides has benefits in many diving situations. More...

PSAI Advanced Buoyancy Control Course
PSAI Advanced Buoyancy Control

Perfect buoyancy control is what defines truly skilled divers. Take your buoyancy control to a whole new level. Basically any diver will benefit from the PSAI ABC course. It is a real eye-opener for even experienced scuba divers. More...

Technical divers with three different configurations
Technical Diving Programs

Want even more out of diving? Technical diving programs teach you go deeper and further, into wrecks and caves. More...

Discover Scuba Diving - Try Scuba Diving in Hong Kong
Discover Scuba Diving
Try Scuba Now!

Want to try what it feels like to breathe underwater? Safely and under a guidance of a professional dive instructor. More...

ReActivate - Scuba Refresher
PADI ReActivate - Scuba Refresher

If you haven't dived for a while, a little refresher to brush up your diving knowledge and review of your scuba diving skills might be in place, especially if you are planning to go scuba diving on a holiday. More...

Go Pro! PADI Divemaster Course
PADI Divemaster

Share your scuba diving experience with others! PADI Divemaster is the first professional level in PADI system of scuba dive training. You'll improve your dive skills to professional level and become a dive leader. More...

PSAI Divemaster / Assistant Instructor Course
PSAI Divemaster/Assistant Instructor

Familiarize yourself with PSAI and professional scuba diver training.  You develop your dive skills, leadership abilities and start assisting in scuba training. More...

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Pro-Diver Development Ltd.

20/F, Shing Lee Commercial Building,
No. 6-12 Wing Kut Street,
Sheung Wan, HONG KONG


Tel: (852) 3110 4141


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