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PADI Enriched Air (Nitrox) Diver Course

What You Learn


  • Techniques for getting more dive time by using enriched air nitrox

  • Enriched air scuba diving equipment considerations

  • Enriched air dive planning, including managing oxygen exposure

  • How to use oxygen analyzer and analyze oxygen content of your gas mix


Actual diving on enriched air is no different from scuba diving on air: breathe in, breathe out, repeat as necessary. Therefore, the course requires no dives as anyone taking the Nitrox Course is already a certified scuba diver. What differs in diving with enriched air is the pre-dive dive planning. The ‘enriched’ part in enriched air means there is more oxygen in your breathing gas, and that requires some consideration and planning. 


If using tables and doing calculations is not your thing, worry not: your dive computer will do them for you. You'll learn how to set your computer for enriched air diving and to understand what it is telling you. If you do want to dwell a bit deeper into planning dives with different gas mixtures or you do not currently have a dive computer, using tables and/or manual calculations is an option.




To enroll in the PADI Nitrox Diver course, you must


  • Be 12 years or older

  • Have a PADI Open Water Diver certification (or have a qualifying certification from another organization) or above


Course Contents


The course consists of 


  • Academics

  • Practical applications


You can choose to complete the academics online using the PADI Enriched Air eLearning option, or you can study at home using a DVD and a manual. If you choose the eLearning option, you will complete the whole academic content online.


If you choose to do the self-study with the DVD and manual, you’ll study the manuals and answer the questions in the associated Knowledge Reviews in the course manual by filling in your answers. In the classroom, you will watch a video – or maybe you already watched that at home, too. Your instructor will then review your Knowledge Review answers and guide you through planning Enriched Air dives by using tables or dive computer.


Once you’ve covered the academics – whichever way you chose - you’ll proceed to practical applications. You will go through the enriched air diving procedures from obtaining enriched air fills and using an oxygen analyzer to verify your gas mix to executing dives as if we were actually diving, we just won’t get wet.



How long does it take?


For course options with manual and video, the course fee includes a three (3) hour review session. This is usually scheduled for a weekday evening after work hours, but can be arranged day-time as well.


If you have completed the PADI Enriched Air eLearning online program, the classroom session may only take less than two (2) hours.





Knowledge review and practical appilcation sessions are held in our classroom in Sheung Wan. If you are doing the Enriched Air Nitrox course in conjunction with other dive courses, you'll do the practical application part on the boat or beach before the dives.

Course Options


You have a choice between


  • Standard (DVD and manual) or eLearning (online)

  • Planning dives with dive computer or tables (or both)



eLearning - Dive Computer only 


Theory: AUD210 (payable directly to PADI).

Practical applications: Free of charge*


Includes professional instruction, PADI Enriched Air Diver manual (digital), use of oxygen analyzer during practical applications and certification fee. Students need to have a dive computer during the class and for use after the class.

eLearning - Tables


Theory: AUD210 (payable directly to PADI).

Tables and practical applications: HKD400*


Includes professional instruction, PADI Enriched Air Diver manual (digital), Equivalent Air Depth and Oxygen Exposure tables, EANx32 table, EANx36 table, use of oxygen analyzer during practical applications and certification fee.


Standard - Manual with Tables


Theory and practical applications: HKD1,560 per person


Includes professional instruction, PADI Enriched Air Diver manual(s), Equivalent Air Depth and Oxygen Exposure tables, EANx32 table, EANx36 table, use of oxygen analyzer during practical applications and certification fee.

Standard - Manual, Dive Computer only  


Theory and practical applications: HKD1,390 per person


Includes professional instruction, PADI Enriched Air Diver manual, use of oxygen analyzer during practical applications and certification fee. Students need to have a dive computer during the class and for use after the class.


*) Valid if you selected Pro-Diver Development (S-19292) as your affiliated dive shop during the eLearning registration.


The PADI eLearning/Touch prices shown as of January 1, 2019.

PADI Enriched Air Nitrox Course extends your no-stop dive time. It is the most popular Specialty scuba diving certification in Hong Kong
Next Course:
PADI Enriched Air Nitrox


Courses can be set up by request.


Suggested schedule:


Any weekday evening

19:00 - approx. 22:30

Knowledge Review + Practical Applications
Pro-Diver, Sheung Wan


If you have done the Nitrox eLearning program, you only need to do the Practical Applications. About one hour.

The PADI Enriched Air Diver course is PADI’s most popular specialty course, and it’s easy to see why. Scuba diving with enriched air (a.k.a. nitrox) gives you more no-stop dive time. This means more time underwater, especially on repetitive scuba dives.

How to sign up


You can start right now with the PADI eLearning by clicking the PADI eLearning button above: select Enriched Air Diver course and Pro-Diver Development (S-19292) as your affiliated dive shop.




Contact us through the contact page or by email or phone. Our office will direct you to one of our instructors, so you can talk directly, ask questions and arrange a course schedule.


Courses can be arranged by request - subject to instructor and classroom availability. There is no minimum number of participants.



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Pro-Diver Development Ltd.

20/F, Shing Lee Commercial Building,
No. 6-12 Wing Kut Street,
Sheung Wan, HONG KONG


Tel: (852) 3110 4141


© 2015-2018 Pro-Diver Development Ltd.

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